
,Spacewar!isaspacecombatvideogamedevelopedin1962bySteveRussellincollaborationwithMartinGraetz,WayneWiitanen,BobSaunders,StevePiner, ...,Twoplayerscontroltwospaceshipsengagedinaduelinthemiddleofouterspace.Oneshipisawedgeshapewhiletheotherisaneedleshape.,Whiletheoriginal1962Spacewar!wasnotacommercialgame,ithelpedlaunchthe$100billionvideogameindustrybyturningthecomputerintothemost ...,In1962,thef...


Spacewar! is a space combat video game developed in 1962 by Steve Russell in collaboration with Martin Graetz, Wayne Wiitanen, Bob Saunders, Steve Piner, ...

Spacewar! (Video Game 1962)

Two players control two space ships engaged in a duel in the middle of outer space. One ship is a wedge shape while the other is a needle shape.


While the original 1962 Spacewar! was not a commercial game, it helped launch the $100 billion video game industry by turning the computer into the most ...

Spacewar! History

In 1962, the first known digital video game, Spacewar! debuted on a PDP-1 at MIT and started the beginning of video games. Inspired by the Science Fiction books ...


《SpaceWar》是於1962年由時任麻省理工學院的學生Steve Russell和他的幾位同學一起設計出來的,玩家可以互相用各種武器擊毀對方的太空船,但要避免碰撞星球。

The History of Spacewar

2019年3月5日 — It was in 1962 when a young computer programmer from MIT named Steve Russell, fueled with inspiration from the writings of E. E. Doc Smith, ...


此條目介紹的是1962年電子遊戲。關於1977年電子遊戲,請見「太空戰爭(遊戲)」。 《太空戰爭!》 ... (英語:Spacewar!,中國大陸譯作「太空大戰!」,中國大陸又譯作「空間 ...